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A Germantown Photo Album

Germantown has many attractive streets and parks. The photographs in this portfolio give a sample of the area, its parks, and its streetscapes. As time and resources permit, we will be adding selections of photos from other parts of the neighborhood. Meanwhile, please explore the photos from these areas:


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The Tulpehocken Station District and nearby streets: This historically-certified part of Germantown includes many architectural treasures and beautiful gardens. After the extension of rail service to northwest Philadelphia, it became one of the earliest "railroad suburbs" in the city. The larger houses are no longer single-family dwellings, but most of them are well-preserved and look as they did than one hundred years ago. The Tulpehocken Street train station, now a stop on the Chestnut Hill local train, has recently been rehabilitated for safety, historical accuracy, and pedestrian-friendliness. The District is one of the gems of the neighborhood.

saylor's grove

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Vernon Park and Saylor's Grove:

  • Vernon Park, located between Greene Street and Germantown Avenue, is in the heart of the neighborhood and is in constant use by residents when the weather is good. It is home to the Center in the Park, which was originally built as a Carnegie Library but now houses a major senior center.
  • Saylor's Grove, located near the entrance to the Wissahickon Valley, is a restored wetland with a wide variety of birds and other wildlife.


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Penn-Knox District: The Penn-knox district, located south of Chelten Avenue and west of Germantown Avenue, is an intriguing mix of older houses, schools, and walkable streets. It is a close-knit area where neighborhood events are an important part of the community's life.

photographs by Ruth A. Seeley






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Discover Germantown • 141 W. Harvey St. • Philadelphia, PA 19144
215-849-4941 •