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Note from the Editor: I hope that the information on this site has inspired you to visit Germantown and explore what it has to offer. I gathered the information on this site for a pamphlet published by the Germantown Friends School Community Relations Committee. Like the pamphlet, the site introduces visitors—and, perhaps, residents—to the fascinating, liveable neighborhood that has been my family's home for many years.
Germantown is lively and diverse, with people of many backgrounds, races, and income levels. My family sees this diversity every day at our corner vegetable store and as we walk around our streets.
Like many city neighborhoods, Germantown has suffered from recent changes in the U.S. and world economies. But it retains a strong sense of community. People here know their neighbors and talk with them regularly, residents can walk to the store, and gardeners compare notes and help to maintain the local park.
This section of Discover Germantown will present information which I hope will help people who are thinking about joining my family and moving to the neighborhood. The lists here are the first of, I hope, many lists and essays for newcomers. I hope they will be useful even to long-time residents.
After you have discovered Germantown, please consider living here. You will be very welcome.
Germantown garden watercolor © 2011 by Ruth A Seeley